
분체기 AS 200 tap

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The RETSCH AS 200 tap is suitable for dry sieving with test sieves of 200 mm or 8“ diameter. The combination of horizontal, circular sieving motions with vertical taps reproduces the principle of hand sieving. The uniform mechanical action ensures reliable and reproducible measurement results.

This special type of sieving motion used by the AS 200 tap is specified in various standards for particle size analysis of materials such as activated carbon, diamonds, spices, metal powders, abrasives or cement. Operating the AS 200 tap is exceptionally easy and safe. The integrated clamping device allows for sieve stacks with up to 7 or 13 fractions, depending on the height of the sieve frame. The sieving time is set from 1 to 99 minutes via a digital display. The number of rotations and taps is fixed; the tapping motion can be deactivated, if required. A safety switch and an anti-trap protection provide maximum safety. Thanks to an integrated interface, the AS 200 tap can be controlled with the evaluation software EasySieve®.

정확성 & 효율성

  • Sieving with circular motion and vertical taps according to standards
  • Measuring range 20 μm to 25 mm
  • For 200 mm / 8“ sieves
  • Sieve stack up to 350 mm
  • Digital time setting
  • Integrated interface
  • Suitable for dry sieving

EasySieve / EasySieve CFR 평가 소프트웨어

EasySieve, the software for particle size analyses, exceeds manual evaluation in many aspects. The software is able to automatically control the necessary measurement and weighing procedures – from the registration of the weight of the sieve up to the evaluation of the data. It is simple and convenient to use and is also available in an FDA 21 CFR Part 11-conform version.

EasySieve / EasySieve CFR 평가 소프트웨어

분체기 AS 200 tap 대표 시료

RETSCH's Analytical Sieve Shaker AS 200 tap is ideally suited for separation, fractioning and particle size determination of abrasives, charcoal, cement, coal, diamonds and spices.









샘플 준비 작업에 가장 적합한 솔루션을 찾으려면 애플리케이션 데이터베이스를 방문하십시오.

작동 원리

AS 200 tap은 시험 분체에 2 차원적 기계 운동을 적용합니다. 또한 280 진동을 동반한 수평 원 운동 및 분당 150 tap의 수직 tapping 운동은 입자가 분체 공극을 통과하는데 도움을 줍니다. 이러한 분체 운동 조합은 수동 분체 방식을 재현합니다.  진동과 Tap의 수는 AS 200 tap의 분체 결과가 전 세계적으로 비교될 수 있도록 주 전원으로부터 독립되어 있습니다.

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