
디스크 밀 DM 200

디스크 밀 DM 200

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일반 견적

필요한 제품이 무엇인지 잘 모르거나 일반 견적이 필요하십니까?

Disc Mill DM 200

Disc Mill DM 200 complete with grinding discs

선택 안내
선택 안내
A set of grinding discs consists of a fixed and a rotating grinding disc. For efficient and contamination-free grinding processes, the grinding discs are available in 4 different materials (no undesired abrasion):

The hardened steel grinding disc is used for standard applications (samples with a Mohs hardness of 3 – 6).

The manganese steel grinding disc is used for standard applications (samples with a Mohs hardness of 3 – 6). As manganese steel is compacted under pressure, the material becomes harder over time. Moreover, it contains less chrome than hardened steel.

The tungsten carbide grinding disc is recommended for grinding extremely hard samples with a Mohs hardness >6, like certain minerals.

The zirconium oxide grinding disc is used for heavy-metal-free size reduction processes or when the natural color of the sample needs to be preserved (e. g. for dental ceramics).

Please note: The grinding tool material should be harder than the sample. For further information check the “Material Analyses of Equipment & Accessories” document in the Downloads section.
분쇄 디스크
DM 2003 상~ 400 V, 50 Hz망간 스틸
DM 2003 상~ 400 V, 50 Hz경화 강
DM 2003 상~ 400 V, 50 Hz텅스텐 카바이드
DM 2003 상~ 400 V, 50 Hz지르코늄 옥사이드
다른 전력 버전도 동일한 가격으로 제공

Grinding discs DM 200

선택 안내
선택 안내
A set of grinding discs consists of a fixed and a rotating grinding disc. For efficient and contamination-free grinding processes, the grinding discs are available in 4 different materials (no undesired abrasion):

The hardened steel grinding disc is used for standard applications (samples with a Mohs hardness of 3 – 6).

The manganese steel grinding disc is used for standard applications (samples with a Mohs hardness of 3 – 6). As manganese steel is compacted under pressure, the material becomes harder over time. Moreover, it contains less chrome than hardened steel.

The tungsten carbide grinding disc is recommended for grinding extremely hard samples with a Mohs hardness >6, like certain minerals.

The zirconium oxide grinding disc is used for heavy-metal-free size reduction processes or when the natural color of the sample needs to be preserved (e. g. for dental ceramics).

Please note: The grinding tool material should be harder than the sample. For further information check the “Material Analyses of Equipment & Accessories” document in the Downloads section.
분쇄 디스크망간 스틸1 세트
분쇄 디스크경화 강1 세트
분쇄 디스크텅스텐 카바이드1 세트
분쇄 디스크지르코늄 옥사이드1 세트

Cyclone for DM 200

Cyclone set with holder, connecting element, lid with connector for vaccuum cleaner and sample outlet
(please order cassette with outlet seperately)

22.935.0038Cyclone set with sample bottles 0.25 and 0.5 liters
03.183.0143Cassette with outlet for use with cyclone
22.748.0017Industrial vacuum cleaner Attix, 230 V, 50/60 Hz

Accessories DM 200

22.481.0025분진 흡입 용 커넥터, DM 200 용
02.824.0054프레임, DM 200 / 조 크러셔 BB 200 조합 용

Further information