
응용 실험실 무료 시험 분쇄 및 시험 분체

Find the perfect instrument - with RETSCH's free sample processing!

RETSCH 전문 고객 서비스는 시료 준비 작업을 위한 최상의 가능한 솔루션을 찾는 고객 한분 한분에게 개별적인 상담을 제공하는 곳입니다. 이것을 위해 우리의 응용 연구소는 귀하의 시료를 무료로 측정하고 처리하며 가장 적절한 방법과 제품을 권합니다.

Get your recommendation with these simple steps:

  1. Complete the milling or sieving questionnaire
  2. Send the completed questionnaire, the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) and your sample to your local RETSCH partner.
  3. Our specialists will analyse your sample and select the ideal instrument for your application.
  4. We process your sample under real conditions and provide a detailed application report.
  5. You will receive a recommendation for the optimal instrument and a personalised quotation - directly from your RETSCH partner, who is always available for a personal consultation.
Trust in RETSCH's expertise and find the best solution for your sample preparation!

설문지 "Milling"

특정 분석 입도로 분쇄가 요구되는 시료의 경우



입도 분포를 결정해야 하는 시료의 경우


Samples before and after test grinding

Typical Sample Materials : 건포도

건조된 과일과 야채

Typical Sample Materials : 코팅된 정제

hard plastic

Typical Sample Materials :폴리스티렌


Typical Sample Materials : 토양


Ready for the perfect solution? Send us your sample now!

Fill out the questionaire and send us your sample to receive an individual and detailed Test report. An example of a test report is available for download on the right-hand side.